
Is Coffee Good For You Or Bad For You?

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Is Coffee Good For You Or Bad For You?

As one of the natural plant sources, the coffee bean is considered as a nutrient-rich beverage with high levels of antioxidants and especially the Polyphenol, which play an important nutrient in general healthy of man. According to the research on how coffee affects people, the result leads to an average of using 5-6 cups of express coffee or 2-3 cups of others daily to support us to prevent Cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases, etc. Although, the science has proven the benefit of health, coffee also has a significant effect on the human nervous system. It is also causing some side effects such as dizziness, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, and excessive coffee consumption. For pregnant women, coffee can make your heart beat faster and gastrointestinal disorders. Does coffee have good levels of beneficial the Polyphenol and how well caffeine affective for health?

One of the important things in your health benefits, who drinking a coffee in the long-term that meets lower risk of diabetes because they contain antioxidants such as Magnesium, Acid Chlorogenique reducing the amount of insulin in the human body. Using one to three cups of coffee a day can help to reduce Parkinson’s disease as well as the risk of stroke.

Coffee consumption at a relevant level can also reduce the risk of liver, colon cancer, prevent gallstones because coffee contains caffeine and the Polyphenol which are good for your health.

In a study of how athletes should use proper coffee, it is advisable to have one large cup for women and three large cups for men to avoid and prevent strongly the risk of nervous system irritation in physical activity. Thus, to make sure we do not use too much coffee before, during and after sports, we need to get advice from sports nutritionists whether coffee is suitable for those who play sports.


Is Coffee Good For You Or Bad For You?

Is Coffee Good Or Bad For You? 

Coffee has been dated since the 10th century. It isn’t only a drink with a strong flavor, but also known as a plant that aims to cure some diseases. It is proven that coffee is really a good drink for human health. The Polyphenol in coffee mainly contains Antioxidant Acid Chlorogenique, ranges from 10 to 200mg  every 100ml of processed coffee. The Polyphenol antioxidants, which are found in many foods and beverages, including coffee to help protecting the health and against some diseases. However, several studies on the human body can not conclude surely that the Polyphenol in coffee protects the health perfectly. Therefore, the coffee is always recommended at a certain level for the body to absorb. Besides, we want to show you that coffee has its advantages and disadvantages so you can better understand coffee.


  • Coffee enhances Adrenaline levels and burns more fat during exercise;
  • Cleaning liver helps the risk of cirrhosis less than 80% when drinking coffee with sufficient amount;
  • Caffeine in coffee may also enhance metabolism;
  • The coffee is also one of the greatest antioxidants to help the body had been destroyed free radicals working inside.
  • It also prevents Adenosine from reaching nerve cells, making brain thinking sharper.


  • If we drink coffee on an empty stomach, a large amount of Hydrochloric Acid causes a gas to fill the air or can lead to IBS even leading to even colon cancer;
  • When an excessive amount of coffee is consumed, the intestine will be stimulated to cause too much digestion and food to not complete its function, which will lead to intestinal inflammation;
  • The amount of caffeine in coffee can make you sleepless, heart palpitations, anxiety or stomach pain if you use a large amount of coffee.

Is Coffee Good Or Bad For You?

Studies also show that the coffee drinker is less potential risk of serious diseases than those who do not use, the benefits of coffee usages as follows:

  • Caffeine in coffee can improve mood, response speed and other brain functions, improve memory and alertness because caffeine stimulates brain activities strongly.
  • Caffeine helps increase metabolism and fat burning by 10% on fat and 29% lean people. However, it will not get effectively loss weight for a long time using as expect. Therefore, it should be combined with the suitable diet and exercises.
  • Coffee has many essential nutrients for the body: 2% RDA for Niacin (B3) and Thiamin (B1), 3% RDA for potassium and manganese, 6% RDA for pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), 11% RDA for riboflavin Vitamin B2).
  • Coffee can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 65%, Alzheimer’s by 65%, Parkinson’s by 32% – 60% and liver disease by 80%, liver cancer by 15% – 40%, colorectal cancer and the stroke by 20%.
  • Another beneficial point of caffeine in coffee is ability of depression prevention or makes you happier, Hence drinking coffee reduces the risk of death in men by 20% and in women by 26% from 18-24 ages.
  • Coffee has many essential nutrients that are good for health and especially high antioxidant capacity, which helps the body to absorb very well when drinking coffee regularly.

Is Coffee Good For You Or Bad For You?

In addition, the huge caffeine content in coffee can cause symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, fatigue and irregular heartbeat. Therefore, the use of coffee on time frame to ensure the health, it is necessary to avoid the coffee usage in the evening. At the same time, for people with high blood pressure, the use of coffee with too much caffeine can increase the stroke risk, and higher cardiovascular disease risk with two or more cups of coffee a day.

So consult with your doctor and dietitian to find out how much caffeine is effectiveness for your health.

Is Coffee Good For You Or Bad For You?

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